Yesterday was the DVD release of "Brothers", by Pedro Magano, at FNAC store in Porto.
The director was presenting this new format of the film which, besides including the entire documentary, it also have some extras like "Making of", "Cut Scenes" and a 20 minutes documentary, called "The Pilgrimage", with exclusive footage and incredible testimonies about the real meaning of this sacrifice to these brothers.
During March and April the DVD will be presented in several cities, according to the following calendar:
March 27th - 18h30 - FNAC Colombo, Lisboa
March 30th - 18h00 - FNAC Almada, Lisboa
March 31th - 18h00 - fNAC Alfragide and Vasco da Gama | 19h30 - FNAC Madeira
April 6th - 18h00 - FNAC Cascais and Oeiras | 18h30 - FNAC NorteShopping - with the Director present
April 7th - 17h00 - FNAC Guimarães | 19h - FNAC Braga Parque, with the Director present
April 12th - 18h00 - FNAC Faro
April 13th - 21h00 - FNAC AlgarveShopping
April 14th - 18h30 - FNAC MarShopping - with the Director present
April 16th - 16h00 - FNAC Cascais and Oeiras
In some of these events, the director will be present to share more details about his experience during the shooting of this unique documentary with you.
Besides, the film is also available online here: https://www.realficcao.com/html/dvd.html